Edlib  1.1.2.
Lightweight, super fast C/C++ library for sequence alignment using edit distance.
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edlib.h File Reference

Main header file, containing all public functions and structures. More...

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struct  EdlibAlignConfig
 Configuration object for edlibAlign() function. More...
struct  EdlibAlignResult


#define EDLIB_STATUS_OK   0
#define EDLIB_EDOP_MATCH   0
 Insertion to target = deletion from query.
 Deletion from target = insertion to query.




EdlibAlignConfig edlibNewAlignConfig (int k, EdlibAlignMode mode, EdlibAlignTask task)
EdlibAlignConfig edlibDefaultAlignConfig (void)
void edlibFreeAlignResult (EdlibAlignResult result)
EdlibAlignResult edlibAlign (const char *query, int queryLength, const char *target, int targetLength, const EdlibAlignConfig config)
char * edlibAlignmentToCigar (const unsigned char *alignment, int alignmentLength, EdlibCigarFormat cigarFormat)

Detailed Description

Main header file, containing all public functions and structures.

Martin Sosic

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ EdlibAlignMode

Alignment methods - how should Edlib treat gaps before and after query?


Global method. This is the standard method. Useful when you want to find out how similar is first sequence to second sequence.


Prefix method. Similar to global method, but with a small twist - gap at query end is not penalized. What that means is that deleting elements from the end of second sequence is "free"! For example, if we had "AACT" and "AACTGGC", edit distance would be 0, because removing "GGC" from the end of second sequence is "free" and does not count into total edit distance. This method is appropriate when you want to find out how well first sequence fits at the beginning of second sequence.


Infix method. Similar as prefix method, but with one more twist - gaps at query end and start are not penalized. What that means is that deleting elements from the start and end of second sequence is "free"! For example, if we had ACT and CGACTGAC, edit distance would be 0, because removing CG from the start and GAC from the end of second sequence is "free" and does not count into total edit distance. This method is appropriate when you want to find out how well first sequence fits at any part of second sequence. For example, if your second sequence was a long text and your first sequence was a sentence from that text, but slightly scrambled, you could use this method to discover how scrambled it is and where it fits in that text. In bioinformatics, this method is appropriate for aligning read to a sequence.

§ EdlibAlignTask

Alignment tasks - what do you want Edlib to do?


Find edit distance and end locations.


Find edit distance, end locations and start locations.


Find edit distance, end locations and start locations and alignment path.

§ EdlibCigarFormat

Describes cigar format.

See also

Match: 'M', Insertion: 'I', Deletion: 'D', Mismatch: 'M'.


Match: '=', Insertion: 'I', Deletion: 'D', Mismatch: 'X'.

Function Documentation

§ edlibAlign()

EdlibAlignResult edlibAlign ( const char *  query,
int  queryLength,
const char *  target,
int  targetLength,
const EdlibAlignConfig  config 

Aligns two sequences (query and target) using edit distance (levenshtein distance). Through config parameter, this function supports different alignment methods (global, prefix, infix), as well as different modes of search (tasks). It always returns edit distance and end locations of optimal alignment in target. It optionally returns start locations of optimal alignment in target and alignment path, if you choose appropriate tasks.

[in]queryFirst sequence. Character codes should be in range [0, 127].
[in]queryLengthNumber of characters in first sequence.
[in]targetSecond sequence. Character codes should be in range [0, 127].
[in]targetLengthNumber of characters in second sequence.
[in]configAdditional alignment parameters, like alignment method and wanted results.
Result of alignment, which can contain edit distance, start and end locations and alignment path. Make sure to clean up the object using edlibFreeAlignResult() or by manually freeing needed members.

§ edlibAlignmentToCigar()

char* edlibAlignmentToCigar ( const unsigned char *  alignment,
int  alignmentLength,
EdlibCigarFormat  cigarFormat 

Builds cigar string from given alignment sequence.

[in]alignmentAlignment sequence. 0 stands for match. 1 stands for insertion to target. 2 stands for insertion to query. 3 stands for mismatch.
[in]cigarFormatCigar will be returned in specified format.
Cigar string. I stands for insertion. D stands for deletion. X stands for mismatch. (used only in extended format) = stands for match. (used only in extended format) M stands for (mis)match. (used only in standard format) String is null terminated. Needed memory is allocated and given pointer is set to it. Do not forget to free it later using free()!

§ edlibDefaultAlignConfig()

EdlibAlignConfig edlibDefaultAlignConfig ( void  )
Default configuration object, with following defaults: k = -1, mode = EDLIB_MODE_NW, task = EDLIB_TASK_DISTANCE.

§ edlibFreeAlignResult()

void edlibFreeAlignResult ( EdlibAlignResult  result)

Frees memory in EdlibAlignResult that was allocated by edlib. If you do not use it, make sure to free needed members manually using free().

§ edlibNewAlignConfig()

EdlibAlignConfig edlibNewAlignConfig ( int  k,
EdlibAlignMode  mode,
EdlibAlignTask  task 

Helper method for easy construction of configuration object.

Configuration object filled with given parameters.